WoW - World of Warcraft Free Private Servers Online, Realms, Top Sites List 100 - World of Warcraft WoW
Crogges - 2.2.x WoW BC Next Generation Server
This is a new Generation of Blizzlike Private World of Warcraft Servers, we are working now since June06 on this Server. Own Database and Core. No Lags and more than 50 hours Uptime, so you will have a complete new Gamefeeling.
Burpla Fun Srv
Just a fun site me and a few friends run, custom leveling zone, full shopping centers, friendly gms, and lots of custom items
Angers'wow Serveur
Serveur TBC,Tres Amical 2.x.x,100% FUN, Quebecois et Francais,Rates: 50X, MJ comp�tent,Cadeaux de Bienvenue(D�tails sur le site).Besoin de PLayer Pour Mettre De Lambiance dans les Jeu.
Wraht le D�mon Noir
Serveur in�dit et personnalis� 2.13!!rates Blizzlike xp x3 drop x3 quest x5 explor x5 item x3 money x5!!Sc�nario chang� nouvel ennemi a battre Wrath the Black!!!No crash tr�s stable.Admin tr�s comp�tent rehcerche 2 gm plus que qualifi�!!
serveur en 2.1.3 sans beug et quettens en francais admin souvent connecter et au 20 premier venue on offre 60 lvl et 1000 po
Death Legion WoW
WoW Private server 2.1.3 Hight Rates All details At web site
Funserver Free GM for the first 15 on the server
A new server as of 9/18/07 the Server alot of Custom things an gear
missa en 2.1.3 FR. Rates x400. Constante �volution, gm disponible et event r�gulier stabilit� assur�e. Serveur TS. Bonne ambiance. cadeaux de bienvenu level 80 ,10000 po ,t4
The liberty revelation
Nouveau serveur wow BC version 2.1.3 bonne ambience mj souvent present,cadeau de bienvenu 4000 po un sac 20 place et lvl 70 et maxskil des vendeur de set sont dans les capital
2 servers for all needs : blizzlike (WoWQuebeC) and funserver (WoWQuebeC-Millenium)
serveur sans lag et presque pas de beug ouvert a tous le monde on offre 70 lvl et 1000 po au 9 inscrit
Haeresis Fun wow
Serveur semi-Blizzlike 2.1.3 Rates XP KILL 4 et Quetes 10. Zone de TP toute instance en cr�ation.Modifications de decor et cr�ation de structures. Plus d'info sur le forum. INSCRIPTION RAPIDE ET RECUPERATION DE PERSOS
Games World
Site still under construction !! but we are adding WoW hacks, CS 1.6 skins, cheats, newest game news and releases ! and other stuff =) come yoin us and vote !
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