WoW - World of Warcraft Free Private Servers Online, Realms, Top Sites List 100 - World of Warcraft WoW
ChillaWoW Server v3.3.5a
Awesome Instant 80 fun realm with all gear(S8/T10) + Highrate lvling realm with free Shadowmourne -- We are running on version 3.3.5a(WotLK)
Land of Elves - Deutscher Rollenspielserver [RP Roleplay]
Einziger privater deutschsprachiger WotLK-, Rollenspiel- und Aufbau-Server. Entspannt leveln mit variablen Raten 1-3x. Mit anderen Rollenspieler an regelm�ssigen Events teilnehmen. Eigene Zonen zum selber bebauen. Sehr freundliche Community.
Infinity WoW
Deutscher Privatserver | Patch 3.3.5a | Mehr als 5 Jahre Erfahrung | Blizzlike | Votesystem | Spendenshop | und vieles mehr
3.3.5a Wotlk - Midrate (5x) | Gescriptete Instanzen incl. Rubinsanktum, ICC & Luftschiffkampf | HDR, Quel-Dalar, Argentumtunier, Fahrzeugsystem fehlerfrei | Erfahrenes Team | Werbt einen Freund System
Call To Arms 3.3.5a Level 60 PVP Server
Welcome to Call To Arms 3.3.5a Level 60 Server, this server is level capped at level 60 with tons of custom content PVP is fully working and since there are new custom spells/armor for new classes it makes PVP so much more fun.
Gro�e, deutsche WoW Funserver-Community. Stabil und Lagfrei seit �ber 5 Jahren! Hohe EP-Rate und doppelte Anzahl an Talentpunkten!
WXG Top Private Server 3.3.5a
4.0.6-4.2.2 wotlk 3.3.5a Multiple items - INSTANT 80 - 12x Highrate Realm - 1000+ Player Online - MASSIVE PVP - GOBLIN WORGEN WORKING - MANY NEW CONTENTS - HIGH UPTIME - WORKING INSTANCES - GREAT SUPPORT - CATACLYSM + wotlk PRIVATE SERVER.
[x]NerdGaming - 3.3.5a Fun[x] Deutsch
Wotlk 3.3.5a � CUSTOM MOBS, BOSSES, ZONES, ITEMS VENDORS �Unique content features � Fun Server � Max level 85 � Friendly GM support � Daily Events � A lot of PVP Contents� Foren account Ingame Account
Rukadare Orah
Rukadare Orah est un serveur World of Warcraft � RP Strict. Version:3.3.5 Mode de jeu Unique. Ce serveur � �t� cr�� par des joueurs pour des joueurs, ici, ce ne sont pas les MJs qui font le RP, c'est vous! -Serveur fra�chement cr��. -Le Recrutement est
Wow Cataclysm 4.3.4,no lagg, nice ping, friendly GameMasters, VOTE SHOP, DONATE SHOP and Recruit a Friend system. So don't wait and come to play !
Your Own Private WoW server for Germany and all over the world. Here you'll find the best WoW private server! World of Warcraft is an online role-playing game where multiple players play together simultaneously over the Internet. In addition to the origin
MMO Melting Pot
The best of the Massively Multiplayer blogosphere every day.
TripleXWOW 4.2.X Cataclysm
Cataclyms 40X, Dedicated Server, Free Season 8 Starter Gear, Great Community, over 1500 players online, Daily Events, Weekly PVP-Events, Friendly Staff Members, Taxi Teleporter, Mall Area.
:: NEU :: Blizzlike :: WotLK 3.3.5a :: 100Mb :: 99 UP :: ADMINS AND GMS :: TS3 :: IRC :: AND MORE :: NEU ::
The Dark Forces
Hier stelle ich euch , einen recht neuen Privatserver vor. Was wir euch bieten: * einen sch�nen aber kleinen Playertreff * einige Costum Quests * Bossarenen , Jumpevents * Ein recht erfahrendes und nettes Team. * Unser Levelcap betr�gt derzeit: 100
-Azeroth Chronicles-
Azeroth Chronicles! One of the best Lich king server ! Extra content, guilds wars, FFA zone and much more ! Join us : )
ViperWow Cataclysm
ViperWow Cataclysm 4.0.6a is a true blizzlike server with 1x rates strong uptime, Friendly GM's and staff. Updates daily! Active forums, special events come join the fun!
Tout a disparu ! tout est � reconstruire ! Imagina est un monde unique et persistant en perp�tuel �volution, 100% RP autour de l'univers de wow.
World of Paranoid ( TBC 2.4.3 & LK 3.3.5a ~ blizzlike)
Burning Crusade (TBC) Realm mit Patch 2.4.3 ~ Wrath of the Lichking (wotlk) Realm mit Patch 3.3.5a ~ blizzlike raten (1x) ~ gescriptete Bossfights ~ TS2 und Forum ~ Chartransfer ~ gro�artige Community ~ hilfsbereites Team ~ schnelle Bugfixes ~
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