Top lost of many Mu Online private and free servers rated by users' choice - Mu Online
Munoar Season 4 | XP: 1000 | 5 Anos ON
Munoar Server Season 4 XP: 1000| 5 Anos ON | 3 salas ONlines | Resetes zerados em fevereiro | Chance de ficar forte | Sem BUGs e LAG | Novo sistema de option (Socket Itens) | Loja VIP Atualizada | Todos itens a disposi��o | Novos mapas, mobs, NPCs | |
ProjetiuM, Server Q vei Pra Ficar
Server De MuOnline Um Dos Melhores Que Veio Pra FIcar 97d+99i+46NEW ITENS
MuPowerZone 1.02n+Season 2
MuPowerZone : Crie sua ACC e Ganhe 3 dias de Vip Gratis, resete acumulativo, exp: 4000x , drop 100%.
Season3 Episode2 private muonline server, with unique webshop, broking & crafting system
MuOnline Season 4 ZigZagMu
MU Online (MuOnline, ?? ??????) � ????????????????????? ?????? ???? (MMORPG), ????????????? ????????? ????????? WebZen, ????? ????? ?? ????? ?????????? ??
.: MuClassic :.
MuClassic |Servidor On dia 30/01/09 | Versao: 97d | Skins Novas | XP: 2000 | Drop: 70% | 24Hrs On | Chat para atendimento 24Hrs | BB: Off | Eventos Todos Dia | Crie Sua acc e ganhe 7 resets!! |
CyberNeT-mU.oo.Lv | Exp 1500 | wery nice Spots!| Join Now
CyberNeT-mU.oo.Lv | Exp 1500 | wery nice Spots!| Join Now
BMC Blood MUOnline Community
Exp/Drop:Max Good Community Great Shop Good Admin [Purgen] Dedicated Server 24/7 Player 30/20/20 Reset Level 400 Come Join Us!
MuOnline Azteca cuenta con 2 servers, SEASON 4: 6 servers, 4 free 40x exp y 2 VIP 60x exp, SEASON 1: 3 servers, 2 free 5x exp y 1 VIP 8x exp. Eventos toda la semana, DOMINGOS EVENTO EXPERIENCIA ALTA, buenos spots y muchas cosas m�s. Vis�tanos!
All in shops +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Box ...3 lvl wings in shops !!!! ..... Max exp ....
Crazy Mu The Best Server Of Mu Online on Universe
Vers�o:1.05n + Season 4, Cadastrando Agora Ganhe 4 Resets e 3 Dias de Super Vip para voc� n�o come�ar Looser...
Mu Exyle:: Venezuela 24/7
Exp:2500x Drop:80%, BlessBug:On, Spots: Lorencia,Losttower7 y Devias,Reset: Lvl 350, Maquina del Chaos:90% todos los rates,Venta de Quest y mucho mas...
MuSpirit Server
MuSpirit Server - 97+99 - 7.000 XP - 6 Servidores Dedicados !!!,
Mu Online The Planet Center
Mu-Online.Servidores Counter Strik..Secciones Informatica
|Dark_Soul|exp:120x|drop:80%|1.04x|good spots|Long term. server|webshop|good GM|And more fun fun fun|join ass!!!|
The list has been viewed 128,018,175 times. Next votes reset: 01.01.2025 00:10:19 EET