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The universe of the Firm (T.E.M Project)

You integrate the Firm, powerful and obscure corporation which the aim is the terraformation of the Mars planet.

An excellent game on the hostile martian ground. It's also an RPG

You are a terraformer who are working for The Firm. Time is come to make it habitable by humans, but we are not alone. There are some mysterious presence with other plans and they won't hesitate to use force: big punch, cast a spell, enslavement, nuke, sacrifice, etc

You have the possibility to create your own labor union: Become a commando, an engineer, a medic, an adept and so on

And If you think you're a really Dude, try the marsball (A new football version on Mars) or go off inside your betrayal (martian vehicle) to go off to explore this land and try to solve its mysteries...

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- Terraformer Mirage
(11.12.2008, 82.67.243.--)
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